Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Attend Another Conference Call!!

Wednesday, November 3rd, 8pm CST
Topic ~ USTRC National Finals  
Break it down with the Pro!
Get tips on improving your roping~
It's FREE!
Speed is meeting with participants to discuss what happened at the  
Finals. Break it down play by play and talk to you.
You don't have to be at the USTRC Finals to participate - Bring your  
questions to him and gain insight to improve your roping!
Register and enter the drawing for various prizes!
Register at the SpeedRoping.com booth at the USTRC National Finals or  
go to www.HorseBusinessWhisperer.com to enter.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dally Wraps

Here is a video made by Buddy Hunter, the founder of the original Dally Wraps

Monday, September 6, 2010

Speed answers Stuart Maddox

Stuart asks, "When starting a well broke horse to head steers, what progression of steps would you suggest?"

New Website Tour!

Here is a new video ~ "Website Tour" for members and subscribers!